
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Track Tuesdays

Before I get into today's workout, I will recap yesterdays.

Yesterday I ran with other members of the Run Club. We went on a quick 3.5 mile run in the neighborhoods surrounding campus. We ran at a 9 minute pace, so we were done in 31 minutes. We start running at 5pm every day which is usually not a problem but because of daylight savings time it was almost dark by the time we returned from our run. We were talking about changing our meeting time to 4 that way when we do our longer runs we are not running in the dark.

After the run I completed a workout that I made up that works your entire body.

When I woke up this morning I was feeling last night's workout in my quads! They were pretty sore from all the lunges and the curtsies.

Today is a Tuesday which means it's a workout day! Every Tuesday we go to the track for "Track Tuesdays." Another runner made up a list of track workouts so each week we go and complete one of these workouts. The distance to the track is roughly a half mile, so we run there, workout, then run back. Today's workout was 3x800s. My Achilles is feeling really tight now, so I see some stretching and icing in the near future!


  1. I wish I had been into running while I was in college. I went to the University of Delaware and the campus is beautiful -- perfect for running! And the fact that it's getting darker so much earlier makes it really hard to run outside!

    1. I agree! I have always been more of an afternoon runner than a morning runner too, which makes it even harder!

      P.S. I was SO excited when I saw I had my first comment ever from another blogger! :)
