
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Banana Bread & Puppy Treats

Around 10:00 last night, I wasn't tired and I saw a big bunch of bananas sitting on the kitchen counter. They weren't going to be eaten because they were too brown so it left me with two options: throw them away or make banana bread.

Can you guess what I did? I found a few recipes online and changed them up a bit because I wanted to use as many bananas as possible. Most recipes call for 2 or 3 bananas but not this one. This one doesn't have 3 or 4 bananas, it has 6! And it even has a handful of chocolate chips thrown in for a chocolatey kick!

Now I know that most of the recipes on this blog are recipes for desserts, meals, or snacks for humans but I thought I'd share one that I use when making treats for my dogs.

Mix all of the ingredients together

 Roll out the dough

Cut into pieces using a knife or a cookie cutter. I cut all of the treats for my dogs into squares and then used a fun shaped cookie cutter for some treats that I plan on giving to a friend's dog.

Place all of the treats on a baking sheet and then place in the oven for 18 minutes. The pieces can be realllly close together (just not touching) because they don't expand during the baking process.

Once they are cool you can then call your dogs into the kitchen (if they weren't at your feet begging already) and give them one of these tasty treats. These treats have my dogs' approval 100%.

Also, I just realized that this is my dogs' first appearance on the blog! So a little bit about my dogs.. Maci is on the left and Ethel on the right.

When I was in middle school I volunteered at a local animal shelter and I instantly fell in love with Ethel. She was such a calm dog and loved to be loved on whenever we took her out in the yard to play. She is getting close to 10 years old now but is still a really good dog. She still loves attention and gets jealous really easily. She can usually run a mile or so with me but Maci on the other hand... running isn't quite her thing. If you can't tell from the picture, she struggles with her weight a little bit, but that could also be due to the fact that my step-dad just can't say no to the puppy-dog face she puts on whenever he has food. My sister brought Maci home a couple of years ago when she was just a few weeks old and told my mom she found her in a parking lot. About a month later a lady asked my mom how the new dog was working out. My mom had never said anything to this lady about getting a new dog so she asked how she knew about the dog.. well apparently Stephanie had bought Maci off this lady for 20 bucks! Everything worked out though because Maci is such a loveable dog.

 Now that I am home for a few weeks, I am sure there will be a few more pictures up on the blog of these furry friends! I also have 3 cats but they aren't the most exciting animals so I don't think you will be seeing much of them on here.

Do you ever exercise with your dogs?


  1. After I mixed all of the ingredients I went to roll the dough out and the dough it stuck to the roller so I was unable to cut prior. Nervous as to how it will turn out

    1. Make sure to put flour on the dough before rolling it out! It helps a lot
