
Monday, December 3, 2012

Wishful Thinking

Today was absolutely beautiful outside with a high of 68. Yes, you read that right, it was sixty-eight degrees in December. I enjoyed every minute of the warm weather when I was outside walking to classes and during my run but personally it feels weird being completely comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt outside at this time of the year. All I know is that I want snow for Christmas. That may be wishful thinking but Christmas just isn't Christmas without snow.

This week I am planning on making up my marathon training schedule. As of tomorrow, the mini-marathon is 5 months away! I have never ran that far before, so I assume that getting started a little bit earlier and adding on the mileage will help out in the long run (long run, get it? haha).

On Tuesdays I normally do a track workout with the other members of Run Club but club now meets at 4 and I am still in class at that time. Because I ran both yesterday and today I am thinking about hitting up the machines at the rec center tomorrow. My workouts are normally all free weights, cardio, or body weights only so I think that using machines will be a good change.


Today I enjoyed a nice 3.7 mile run outside. This is the first time I actually felt good working out since my fever last week. I am still taking my medicine, although I often forget to take it 3 times a day and only do twice, but hopefully this sickness is over with.

Also, the workout log has been updated and I added a new link at the top to the workouts so they are all in one place. As I post new workouts, I will link them all in there!

Are you happy without snow on Christmas or does snow make the holiday more enjoyable for you?


  1. I've loved the warmer weather the last couple of days too! :)
    Great run..glad you're recovering from the fever!
