
Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Solution to Treadmill Boredom

The weather here has been ice cold. The wind chills have been horrible too - to the point that if I am outside for too long my cheeks look like they have wind burn and are super red! Not cool. When I was looking up the weather forecast for this week (praying that the temps would go up) I found that they were going down instead and there would be chances of snow.

Cold weather makes running outside unbearable so I depend on the treadmill to get my runs in. I don't mind the treadmill for a quick 15 minute run or if I am watching TV at the same time but if I have absolutely nothing to entertain me for the long runs then I am more than likely to skip out on the last few miles. Does this happen to you to? If yes, then you are in the right place!

The other day I was reading Tina's blog, Carrots 'N' Cake and came across a solution to treadmill boredom. She came up with a fun treadmill workout called Treadmill Roulette: Music Edition.

(Image Source)

I stopped after song number 6 and made the recovery into my cool down. I was running short on time as I was supposed to be ready for a lunch date at 12:30 and it was already noon! My run was about 20 minutes and a little over 2 miles.

This was a really fun way to focus more on the songs rather than the run while still pushing yourself. If you aren't a runner then you could change up the speed for different walking intervals too!

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What's your favorite way to beat treadmill boredom?


  1. What a great idea! I can't wait to try this!

  2. Ah, I must have missed this on Tina's blog! I love the idea though! It's been SO cold in PA, too! We're supposed to have one day this week in the high 50s though, so I'm going to plan an outdoor run. Unfortunately, it'll be going right back to the 20s-30s!
