
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Uncle Sam's Cereal Review

Hello everyone! I hope your week has been going great so far. I can't believe the week is almost half way over. I have been getting used to my new schedule and have been able to get all of my workouts in. All of my classes are in the morning and I work in the evenings so I have been working out between the two. I feel like that some of my classes are going to have a lot of homework and reading assignments so I hope I can still manage everything once the classes get more in-depth. I started today off with coffee from my Keurig! I used one of the Vanilla Latte k-cups, added some Silk Vanilla PureAlmond milk and ate a Peanut Butter CLIF bar. I would say that it was a good start to my day.



Yesterday I was able to get a quick 2.5 mile run in. After not running as much as I had planned over winter break, my legs were pretty sore today. For today's workout I focused on arms and threw in a few weighted lunges and plies. I was going to do my Superset Arm Workout but I wanted to get in and out and some guys who were working out were using the bench so I changed up the workout and made up a different, but similar, circuit of front and side arm raises, bicep curls, and tricep extensions.

Uncle Sam's Cereal


A few weeks ago I contacted Attune Foods to see if they were interested in participating in the New Years Resolutions Giveaway and they said yes. They also offered to send me a couple of their cereals to try out and review on the blog. I was more than happy to try out the cereals and they arrived on my doorstep a few days later.

The first thing I noticed when I opened up the package was a handwritten note. This just made me love the company even more and loved that they had put in a little extra effort which makes their company feel more personable!

Attune Foods sent me two boxes of their Uncle Sam's Cereal. I was sent the Original and the Raisin Bran to try. When I browsed around on their website I also saw that they have a Strawberry cereal as well and I think that I would really love that one.

I love that the cereals have so few and simple ingredients. They are made with whole wheat kernels which makes the cereal high in fiber and heart-healthy! The 10 grams of fiber help to make you feel fuller, longer and I agree that it did just that. I also love that the cereals have less than 1 gram of sugar because most cereals, even if they are supposed to be healthy, still have a lot of sugar in them.

I liked the Original but I really loved the Raisin Bran cereal. The Original wasn't sweet enough for me (I will probably use it when baking) and the raisins in the Raisin Bran cereal added a natural sweetness. Uncle Sam's is also very generous with the raisins which made me really happy.

Overall, I would recommend that you try this cereal. If you are not a cereal person in the mornings, the Original would also be great in yogurt, cookies, crusted chicken recipes, and many more! You can find some great recipes submitted by others by clicking on this link. I will probably be buying the Uncle Sam's Strawberry Cereal in the near future and be making some Peanut Butter No-Bake Cookies with the Original cereal! Yum!

Disclaimer: I received these products free of charge, however all opinions are my own.

100 people, Thirteen Dollars


I am still collecting donations for my aunt's charity account. I am aiming to get 100 people to donate $13 (one dollar for every mile I am running in the race). If you would like to donate you can via the PayPal button on the top right corner of my blog. To learn more about my aunt click here or visit the Donate tab on my blog!

Do you have any tips for managing a busy schedule?
Have you tried Uncle Ben's Cereals? Do you have any fun recipes made with the cereal?


  1. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see those limited ingredients. I avoid preservatives like the plague so I am constantly looking for brands I can trust! I am absolutely going to try Uncle Bens. I just found your blog and it's great! As a fellow fit/health nut I can't wait to read more :)

    1. You should definitely try them! Attune Foods has a lot of great products! And thank you :) Your blog is cute too!

  2. Uncle Sam cereal was one of my first EVER blog product reviews! They sent me Honey Almond, Original, and Strawberry. The Strawberry was pretty good but the Honey Almond was my fave for sure. I used those up first and can you believe it I still have some Original left! I actually still eat it haha, had some on Monday night I think with pudding as a little after dinner snack. I totally want to try the Raisin Bran! I love that short ingredient list.

    1. The Honey Almond sounds good. I didn't see it on their site so maybe they don't have it anymore? That's crazy you are still eating the Original! It's a good one to keep on hand though because you can add it to almost everything
