
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Satisfy Your Late Night Cravings

It's 10 p.m. and your stomach starts to growl, you try to hold it off because you know you shouldn't be eating this late. Now you are trying to fall asleep and you can't because your stomach is screaming at you that it wants food so you reach for the most convenient item in the kitchen. A granola bar, a handful of candy from the candy jar, a slice of bread, chips, or anything else you can get your hands on so you can get back to bed with a happy stomach.

Research shows that most people eat junk late at night and right before bed which can have a negative impact on your diet and sleep. But there are better alternatives than the candy from the candy jar late at night. One of those alternatives is NightFood.

NightFood is a late night snack that will help satisfy late night cravings and fill you up with good stuff! None of that high calorie, high sugar stuff. And the best part about it is that you won't ruin a full days work of eating healthy by snacking on one of these right before bed.

NightFood is a start up company and are campaigning through indiegogo.

If you make a contribution as low as $10 you will receive a NightFood Sample. The more money you contribute to help start up this company, the more rewards you will receive. Click here to learn more about NightFood and their campaign.

Disclaimer: In return for reviewing NightFood I may receive free samples. However, all opinions are my own.


Do you have problems falling asleep due to a growling stomach?


  1. How cool! I don't have trouble falling asleep with or without food in my stomach but I will probably try this anyway :)

    1. Some nights I am completely fine but other nights my stomach won't let me sleep! I think they sound awesome either way!

  2. I did the layout myself. Thanks!
