
Monday, May 27, 2013

Hard Work Pays Off

If you remember back to when I started this blog, the sole reason I began blogging was to raise ovarian cancer awareness while training for my first half marathon in honor of my aunt.

This weekend I had the chance to present the money that was raised to my aunt, Hala, in front of family and friends.

Through fundraising, a bake sale, a t-shirt sale, and lots of hard work, together we were able to raise $2,149.39! My initial goal was to raise $1,300 and with the help of family and friends I was able to surpass that goal! 

It was wonderful to see how happy my aunt and uncle were when I presented them with the check. It meant so much to see all of the hard work really pay off. They are going to use this money to help pay off some of their medical expenses.

Another fun thing that my uncle did for the celebration was mow a cancer ribbon in his front yard! So awesome!

This whole experience was really life changing. It was amazing to see yourself make an impact in someone's life, no matter how big or small the deed you do is. It's hard to believe that just a few months ago the idea of raising awareness and training for a half-marathon in honor of Hala was just an idea floating around in my head. Seeing it come true was amazing and I hope to keep on running the mini-marathon race and raise awareness!


Have you ever raised awareness to an important cause/charity/foundation before?


  1. So awesome Danielle! I'm sure your whole family is so proud/thankful for your accomplishment!

  2. Danielle I'm so proud of you! That is really amazing that you made your idea come to life. I know she really appreciated it. Good for you.

  3. Wow, that's amazing Danielle! You raised so much money for such a wonderful cause.
