
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mother's Day Coupon Book

I'm back! Finals are officially over and I can blog my little heart out (at least for the next 2 weeks until summer classes start back up!) I hope you enjoyed Brittany and Miranda's guest posts while I was away.


Mother's Day is just a few weeks away!

If you need a quick, and creative gift idea then why not print out one of my fun coupon books? This is perfect especially if you are busy on Mother's Day and can't spend one-on-one time with your mom because you can plan a few fun mother-daughter dates!

I know that my mom would rather have a lunch date at her favorite restaurant and a Starbucks break during one of her busy days at work than get a bouquet of flowers this Mother's Day.

Just print out the page, cut on the lines, and staple or tie together with a bow! Your mom is sure to love it.


What are you getting your mom this Mother's Day? Do you like buying or making gifts better?


  1. Cute! I love this idea. I actually got my mom something while I was in Puerto Rico a few weeks ago but I like this idea as an addition to the gift. AND yay for being done with finals!

  2. Great idea! I've done coupon books for my husband (boyfriend at the time) before, but that's a very thoughtful Mother's Day idea!
