
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Better Than Nothing

This weekend consisted of some quality time at home with family. Alex and I headed home from school on Friday afternoon to celebrate my cousin, Rema's, birthday with some family. Rema turned 21 on Friday and wanted a relaxed celebration so we did just that.

We arrived to their house around 7pm and spent our time talking with family we hadn't seen in awhile. We also enjoyed birthday cake and a few pieces of various Middle Eastern sweets. Rema's parents went overseas for a couple of weeks for a wedding and brought back some goodies for us to enjoy. I completely forgot to snap a couple of pictures of the desserts!

One of my cousin's had a baby 3 weeks ago so I made sure to get in lots of cuddling with her!

On Saturday Alex, my step-dad, my brother, and I all went out to lunch together. We went to a restaurant called the Tilted Kilt. The waitresses there wore plaid mini skirts and their tops covered close to nothing so the boys were all googly-eyed the entire meal. The restaurant was like a pub and had some fun Irish sayings on the wall. I ordered a chicken wrap that had a spicy dressing which gave it a nice kick. I was pretty impressed with the food there but it was a little awkward having a half-naked waitress bring it to the table. Once again, I ate the food too quickly to even think about taking a picture. I'm sorry my picture-taking skills were lacking this weekend!

Because Friday we spent the day traveling and I ended up forgetting my running shoes back at school, I didn't get my long run in while I was at home. Today I hadn't drank too much water and think I had one too many pieces of candy while I was home over the weekend so I knew going into it that my run today wasn't going to be good. After a mile and a half I was feeling sick so I stopped. I didn't even try to keep going and told myself that 1.5 miles was better than doing nothing.

When you are really busy how do you fit in a long run? They take up so much time but I know they are important! Also, if you are feeling sick do you push through it or stop running?


  1. I think listening to your body and stopping when you don't feel well is always the best! If we allow ourselves to be intuitive, we understand that our bodies know best. Whether is be because of candy or a lack of water or that you're just not into it - at least you got a little cardio in :)

  2. I haven't been on a long run in such a long time! Rowing has taken so much of my time that running has been pushed aside :( Hopefully I can get back into running again asap (I have a 10k planned in March!). Btw, that pic of you and your cousin is adorable!

    1. I have never ran a 10k before but really want to get one in during my training for the half! Good luck on yours. Can't wait to read about it :)

  3. You need to be as mentally prepared as you need to be physically! So if you need to rest, listen to that. You'll be stronger for it!!!

  4. The key for me to fit in my long runs is to get up and get it done early morning! I will run while everyone else is sleeping and then am ready for the day to start :)
