
Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day Recap

Yesterday my Instagram and Twitter feeds were overflowing with pictures of flowers, chocolates, and couples celebrating Valentine's Day. Alex and I had both decided that we weren't going to get each other anything and keep it low key and do something together over the weekend. I had to work until late last night so we couldn't really do anything by the time I was off. Even though we both said we weren't going to get each other anything, neither of us followed through.

He came over for a little bit between classes and I surprised him with a little gift I made him. I couldn't resist not getting him anything. As you know, he loves fishing with a passion so I did a little Pinteresting and then came up with this idea..

I filled up the goodie bag with a bunch of gummy worms and Swedish fish and then decorated the banner that I put on the top of it. He said he really liked it and liked the creativity!

Later that day he picked me up from work and we were on our way to Pita Pit. My roommate, Alex, and I were planning on going there to get a Pita because 1) Alex had never been there and 2) they were having a Valentine's Day special. In the car on the way there he handed me a tiny box of chocolates. I wasn't expecting anything from him and thought it was sweet he gave me them.

Then later when we went to his house I had walked into his room and set my things down. His room has a nook in it where his desk is and I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary when I was in his room. I was in his room for a few minutes before he told me to walk over there. At first I was nervous and thought something was going to jump out at me! Then when I turned around I saw this...

I was completely shocked and loved it! He is a pretty special guy and I feel so lucky.

I also want to take a minute to say Happy 21st Birthday to my cousin Rema! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Giveaway winner

As you know today is the day that a winner is chosen for the LARABAR Giveaway. I just love doing giveaways and I have another one up my sleeve that is going to happen in the next few days :) But for now here is the winner of the LARABARs...

Congrats to Michelle! Please email me at trufflesntreadmills [at] aol [dot] com with your shipping address so we can hook you up with this awesome prize!

Did you do anything special for Valentine's Day?


  1. That is such a cute Valentines day gift. I love simple but thoughtful gifts!

  2. What a cute and clever gift. I love seeing everyone's creative ideas!
