
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Funny Search Keywords

Awhile ago I saw that another blogger (can't remember who!) was talking about funny search keywords that led people to her blog. Today when I was looking over my blog stats I noticed some funny ones so I thought I would share!

If I was looking to be directed to a blog that was similar to mine and focused on fitness and healthy living then in Google I would search things like:

"fitness blog"

"blog about running"

"blog about staying fit while in college"

"fun workout blog"

Now most of the time people search these things and are directed to my blog but other times they put the funniest things into Google and are directed to my blog. Some of the funny, strange, or random things people have searched are:

Chicken Feet Soup

Okay, I have no idea why this would bring anyone to be directed to my blog but I laughed when I saw it. Chicken Feet soup?! I have never even heard of it but I guess it really does exist. The only way I can see someone being directed to my blog when searching that is because I have talked about chicken noodle soup before.

Sunglasses in Megan Green Color

Is megan green a color? I have never heard of it before. I think I have talked about sunglasses once on the blog before when I talked about a shopping trip with my roommate.

Pineapple Butter with Eggs

1) This sounds gross. 2) I don't think pineapple butter is a real thing but I could be wrong. Also, I have never talked about eggs on the blog before so I don't know why this keyword would bring anyone to my blog! Interesting...


What are some interesting and funny search keywords bringing people to your blog?


  1. I know that Monica at Run Eat Repeat does this too! Maybe that's who you're thinking of? I've gotten some weird ones too! "weekend pictures", "half marathon training elliptical workout", "trendght dresse 2013", "can you go your whole life with wisdom teeth" hahaha!

    1. I think it was someone else who did it! But the wisdom teeth one is totally random! ha!

  2. BAHAHAH!!! I'm lol-ing at this right now :) Don't lie Danielle, you love chicken feet - especially in your soup! And pineapple butter with eggs sounds absolutely nasty. One funny one I had the other day was "when you should not be expected to let go of the past quotes." Have I said something to let people think I don't let go of the past??!?

    1. Haha nope I don't think so! I don't understand why some searches lead them to our blogs!

  3. Ha Ha Ha "pineapple butter with eggs".. that just sounds horrible!

  4. Hmm I haven't looked before to know but you have some very funny/strange ones especially the chicken feet soup~ :)
